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ProBoard Version 2.30 is OUT NOW (12-16-2023)!!
ProBoard v2.30 is now available!
ProBoard v2.30 - Professional BBS System
PB_230.ZIPIncludes: Full multi-line support (255 Nodes), Squish, Hudson, JAM, and *.MSG support, Support for 10,000 message/file areas, Unique development kit (SDK)
included, Language support, TTY/ANSI/ AVT/RIP, CD-ROM support, Runs most doors, UL Scan support, Internal QWK, Alias support, and lots lots more! (c) 2021-2023+ Jason Bock.
(12/16/2023) Now That ProBoard v2.30 Has Been Released
- Join the Discord server with the above link.
- Download the PB_230.ZIP archive.
- Read the Documentation by following the link at the top, right.
(12/11/2023) ProBoard v2.30 RELEASE DATE INFO UPDATE
December 16, 2023 will be the official release date of ProBoard v2.30!
(12-09-2023) ProBoard v2.30 Now In Alpha (A7)
ProBoard v2.30-A7 has been released to a handful of Alpha testers. Hopefully this round will go well so we can move on to Alpha 8/RELEASE. There
are still plenty of other bugs to fix and/or features to add but we need to move forward with a precise path.
(11/04/2023) ProBoard v2.30 RELEASE DATE INFO
December 16, 2023 will be the official release date of ProBoard v2.30!
(06-21-2023) ProBoard v2.30 Now In Alpha (A4)
ProBoard v2.30-A1-A4 have been released to a handful of Alpha testers. Hopefully this round will go well so we can move on to Alpha 5. There
are still plenty of other bugs to fix and/or features to add but we need to move forward with a precise path.
(06-21-2019) ProBoard v2.22b
ProBoard v2.22b has been released by John Riley and devleoped by the ProBoard Ninja Team.